Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Authentication Code Collection

Revealed, my authentication code collection. Collecting these small (and annoyingly appropriate security images) is akin to an Easter egg or scavenger hunt-- save that you never know when one will pop-up for your use. Just when you have forgotten about auth-codes when registering for your 5th GMail account, for example, another distorted and bizarrely rendered image presents itself, the key to your online user creation. It is always exciting to find a new auth-code to add to my collection.

The included image (above) is a small portion from my collection. Each is unique in appearance, repeats not being acceptable for this collection.

Automated Tasks via...

RUBY. Automated Tasks via Ruby, a new terrain that is being explored.

The QA team I am a member of has taken upon itself (ourselves) to dev scripted tools using Ruby in order to automate repetitive tasks; these tasks (such as User account creation, site login, etc) are impediments to streamlined testing during every testing cycle.

So far, we have been writing small scripts (very small scripts). These scripts are promising and exciting. To run a Ruby script from a desktop environment and then sit back and watch it move through the tedious steps for you-- well, it's magical.

Thank-you Ruby (and John and Chiky).